I am Associate Professor of Communication Studies at SUNY Oswego and the Graduate Coordinator for the Strategic Communication M.A. The courses I teach include undergraduate and graduate classes such as “International Perspectives on Women,” “Integrated Media Writing/Design,” “US National Parks Through Media,” and “Communicating Science in Media.”
My current interests are the digital humanities, digital media, gender and women’s history, and history of science and technology. I am serving as the president for the Association for Documentary Editing. I am also an instructor for eLaboratories, a digital, free resource for documentary editors to sharpen their skills. For a list of publications, please see my CV. For links and descriptions of my digital humanities projects, please visit the Digital Projects page.
I hold a PhD in history from the University of Rochester. Additional academic training includes a B.A. in History & English/Creative Writing from Binghamton University and a B.S. in Environmental Management & Technology from Rochester Institute of Technology, as well as a Graduate Certificate in Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies from the Susan B. Anthony Institute at the University of Rochester.
Beyond the articles in progress and digital projects mentioned in my CV I am working to publish my dissertation on Ellen Swallow Richards, the first woman to attend and teach at MIT.
I was a 2014-2016 Andrew W. Mellon Fellow in the Digital Humanities at the University of Rochester, as well as Project Manager for the Seward Family Digital Archive.